
!. Honorary Life Membership

Council unaminously agreed to accord the title ":Honorary Life Member" to four long-term members who have regularly attended the Club assiduously over the past years and who have also served on the Council as Officers of the Probus Clubof Farnham - 

Brian Blowers

Roger Bradley

Ian Myers

  Roger Newton

Ian Wallace

2. New members

We recently welcomed new members to the Club.

Mike Azancot

Maggie and I moved to Farnham with our three children some 25 years ago after living in the Far East. We only intended this to be an interim location whilst our offspring finished schooling and we would be off again but the attraction of the area and remaining close to our family made us set down roots. My career has been in the Oil and Gas industry in the North Sea, China, Indonesia, and Kazakhstan. I have been on the Boards of various Companies in both Executive and Non-E

Executive roles over the past 20 years but now only hold one appointment as Non-Executive Chair of a Tech Company involved in industrial drones. 

Maggie and I have six grandchildren under the age of 10 so we are kept busy enjoying their company when we can. I like taking long walks now that I have more free time, 

cycling, skiing and have recently installed a greenhouse but this accidental gardener is a definite novice.

Tony DeBrett

Tony Laughton

I have lived in the Frensham/Farnham area for 25years. I have 3 children and 7 grandchildren who now all live in England.  I spent all my working life in the electronic components industry establishing my own business in 1975 which went public in 1990. We had operations in all Western European countries, the U.S., Hong Kong and Singapore and I am still a shareholder.  I am a keen tennis player and England rugby supporter and a member of several Farnham U3A groups.  I support a number of charities including having been a parttime National Trust volunteer and mentoring a youngster for what was once called Bridges Monitoring.

Mike Azancot